12 thoughts on “Today I am in a post painting coma…

  1. miamakila79 says:

    Thanks and oh my god yes I have fucked up dreams!… Last night I had the weirdest dream ever where I smuggled an egg that was actually Elizabeth Taylor (I don’t exactly understand how) into a hotel room where the walls were full och secret draweres that were used for smuggling… In the middle of the room was two lovers making love, the woman was Sharon stone… And I could feel their pleasure… I woke up…..happy…


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  2. miamakila79 says:

    Haha hmm no …perhaps it was an animal, I can’t remember.. It was big and black…kissing Sharon but I could feel the sensations in my body…what if it was a walrus?


  3. Todd from Kentucky says:

    I was thinking of your Michael Jackson on a train dream. I daresay, I’d rather have sex with a walrus as well. Well, if I was the pitcher and not the catcher. This conversation made want to look up “Walrus Penis” and this was the first thing that showed up for me . . .

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  4. miamakila79 says:

    Can’t believe you remember that dream haha! It’s a classic in my memory of fucked up sex dreams.

    Oh my! That walrus is hardcore sex-nightmare material! But for some reason I am in the mood….for some nature documentaries… 😉


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